Why would I need a safe?

Simple question but have you really thought about it?

Answers could be that you requiere a safe for protection from theft but another reason is for protection from fire. We all know that no safe is 100% fire proof but they can give a high level of protection from sustained heat for at least some time until the emergency personnel arrive. A safe can be used to secure all your valuable documents as well as your precious objects.

As for protection from theft; it is a good idea to include one of these as well as the other security steps that can be taken: proper locks on windows and doors, instalation of a security system, as most theives would want to get out as soon as possible and a high security would take some time. Please ask us for advise on the best type of safe and installation to meet your requierements.

You will have a higher level of peace of mind with one than without one!!

We have a wide range of high security safes, varied capacities, automatic door opening, electronical, digital,combination lock, key locks..

Models on offer:


Please do not hesitate to ask us regarding any other security queries that you may have. We will be more than pleased to help you!